You are an excellent psychologist, clearly "at the top of your class". Your sound grounding in individual psychological and family dynamics is exceptional. Each time I think of you, I think of someone who has changed my life in so many positive ways. You've shown a lot of faith in me, and you've helped me find ways to work through relationship problems that otherwise might have made me give up and even commit suicide. Each time I think of you, I remember your acceptance, your kindness, and your patience. And I also remember how freely you've always shown how much you care. That's why each time I think of you, I think how happy, fortunate and grateful I am to have you in my life! This is how I feel about my therapy with you. You have been such a positive influence on my life, and I look forward to growing emotionally with you for years to come. My life, confidence and emotional health enriched immeasurably. The great affection and gratitude that I feel for you cannot be expressed in words. Thank you for being there and putting up with me.